your opinion matters
Parent Survey

We need your feedback!

Thu Oct 03 11:23 AM

extended day image
Extended Day

Extended Day begins September 3, 2024. Times: Monday - Friday 7:00am - 7:40am Monday - Thursday 3:30pm - 4:30pm

Tue Sep 03 12:50 PM

yondr pouch pic
Yondr Pouch

Important Announcement Regarding Enhanced Security Measures

Sat Aug 24 10:51 PM

public hearing notice
Public Hearing Announcement

public hearings announcement

Sat Aug 24 10:48 PM

No early dismissals
No Early Dismissals

Please be advised that there will be no early dismissals after 2:15 p.m. While we do understand that doctor’s appointments have to take place, we just ask you to plan accordingly to pick your student up before the stated cutoff time. Thank you so much for your cooperation!

Thu Aug 22 08:03 PM

Aug. students
August Students of the Month!

We would like to shine the spotlight on six amazing students who were chosen to be our students of the month. These students were selected because they are helpful, respectful, and they always do what is right, even when no one is watching. They are excellent examples of what it means to be #BurroughsBest The students are Tyler Sargent, Annastasia Ward, Skylar Reed, Lesly Corado, Harleigh Pogue, and Alena Ward.

Thu Aug 22 08:01 PM

Kona ice
Kona's Cool!

We were visited by the Kona Ice truck today!! As you can see, this event was a huge success!!! The students absolutely loved this sweet treat!! The Kona Ice truck will visit us again on next Tuesday, August 27th. #BurroughsBest

Thu Aug 22 07:59 PM